We hope you, your family and your friends are staying healthy and that the impacts of this virus pass by quickly for all of us. Although the hockey youth season has ended and the adult leagues have been suspended we want to keep you informed as to the impacts of the current COVID-19 on the Sno-King community.
Based on the stipulation from Governor Inslee, we are required to close our ice arenas until further notice. We had already postponed many of our programs but this will require all programs and arena activities to be suspended until we are allowed to open again. We are evaluating our camp and clinic schedules and will communicate regarding those as things progress. We will evaluate the situation over the coming days as we attempt to minimize the financial and operational impacts to Sno-King.
Construction of the new arena will continue and we remain on a pace to be completed in early July. We realize there will be many needs for philanthropy in the coming months. Our needs will be greater as a result of this shut down so we hope you will continue to keep Sno-King and the Raise the Rink campaign in mind as part of your giving. You can contribute by clicking here.
As we continue to plan for next season we will keep everyone posted as developments and new information warrant. We are looking forward to reopening as soon as possible and to welcoming everyone back for the 2020/2021 season in a few short months.
We wish you and your families a safe and healthy few weeks.
Sno-King Staff